Net-Neutrality 🛜📡🛰️
Seize the means of the media, for your freedom. Universalism cannot exist without information communication systems liberated from...
Rave New World
The RAVE NEW WORLD was founded as Ⓐ NYC 501c3 Union in 2022. It is emotionally, ethically and morally responsible in its' ability to...
Monthly eNews ArcHive May 30, 2020 ->
0% spam complaints, oOo!
Media War
"The People, Aware, Will Never Be Silenced."
Self Promotion's Radicool
self promotion's #radicool ... *when you're genuinely grateful (aF) *when it includes & affects others *when you are given lots of shows...
Just a small post for the day that seems to be brought up often is the topic of ADHD / ADD / ASPBERGERS / AUTISM being invented by the...
White Plague Saved By Moors
Do you know the origin of this rhyme . . .? RING AROUND THE ROSIES A POCKET FULL OF POSIES HACHEW, HACHEW WE ALL FALL DOWN . . . Most...
They Weren't Ready For It (2014)
Story time: Sometimes curators aren't researching the projects their friends are recommending but book anyway. My 185668232 was hyped...
Music, Gear, Engineering, Capitalism, Psychology (NAMM 2016)
Music has never been a pop-culture trivia thing for me - it's always been about wanting to feel something really deep and connected, as a...
I am not a capitalist - a capitalist sees everything as being buyable or sellable. Within the regime of capitalist overseers, I am forced...
< #
<# = "less than sharp" is used preluding a 'harsh truth' like '<3'... ||: Σ⇔mc²[ॐ]空缺 /⚥Ⓐ∞©¢ :|| #♭ 185668232 is one number number...
Social Activism
I encourage 'you' to share 'my' content; it's not a competition - I don't need likes for it and I am NOT trying to scare you. Someone...
Stay In Your Home Town:
GENTRIFICATION ... A.K.A. '"The Spread Of Babylon..." Why can't everyone just stay in their home towns and build the art up from there?...
Huh? / What?
Hallow, how art thou? /// Congratulations on inputing the correct sequence of numerical values! /// Everything is a lie if it does not...
Existure iv
Existure iv In order for the people to learn how to telepathically transmit symbols as a form of further accurate communication through...
Dreamesque Noun. (Pronounced "DREAM-ESK") 1. The loose ends of every way, religious, sectual, cultural belief, neatly sewntogether...